I'm glad so many of you watched my video lesson HERE yesterday recapping a tricky September, today I want you to listen to this great upcoming student Cam who has a full-time job, but has been making great strides with his part-time trading and trading education too!
Posted Oct 02, 8:45 AMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
Basics, Trading Mistakes
Such a fire video congrats cam!!!!
Thanks for the inspiration! Congrats to Cam!
Learning like Cam “CONGRATS!” Working full-time and not rushing through learning & studying process.
I may have been the person who didnt know where to start but 5 emails and one phone call to support all unanswered or not understanding. I finally got a direct answer on oct 1st
Great Interview ..Tim Congratulations Cam!!
Congratulations Cam, Learning is the way. You can't cheat the process!
Congratulations Cam!
congratulations Cam keep up.
Congratulations Cam
Congratulations Cam
Its great to see this interview !
Congrats Cam. Thanks Tim!
Thanks Cam!
Inspirational Cam!
Freaking awesome! I feel like my mentality matches. Just have to keep it up. Excited for the future! Great job Cam!
Thank you Tim, can u please tell us where this "Syllabus" is that Cam mentioned. I really could use this please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Cam fantastic interview. I actually had to put my comments on youtube because it was a bit too long. Keep it going Cam you got it!!!
Thanks keep on keeping on! Stick to the rules!
Thanks Tim and congrats Cam, great inspiring interview on what can be done.
Great interview
That was a terrific interview- Congrats --
Great video & great job Cam keep going. Thanks Tim for all you do
Greed. Too aggressive and when I dont respect the rules...SMACKED. Congrats cam
Thanks Tim.
Thank you for the awesome Interview Cam!
Thank you for the awesome Interview Cam!
Congrats Cam, I have a nephew who is also an anesthesiologist; maybe I'll introduce him to trading with this interview.
Follow the syllabus to a t. Thanks Cam & Tim!!
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