-$41 Loss
WBUYLong Stock

Entry comments: Dip buying PM spiker. Low price stock which I don't have much luck with but trying to improve. HAVE TO CLQ to not get in trouble with this.

Exit comments: Fast moving and so hard to CLQ on these low price stocks. I need to just avoid anything under .75 cents. ON COMPUTER WITH WIFI


-$405 Loss
DATSLong Stock

Entry comments: Dip buying this Trump play off its highs in the 4s, watching PHUN too but this has more upside and lower float, goal is to make 10-20%, could be quick on any spike up, cut losses if no bounce

Exit comments: No bounce so rule #1 cut losses quickly, worth a shot but just soooo many big sellers, no thanks, small losses are fine too


$11 Profit
CDNALong Stock

Did same strategy as my core portfolio. This is one of my long term holds and I had all the fundamentals and techncials to indicate this would swing positive after earnings. It did, and during pre-market, I decided to exit as I only entered in at 200 dollars. Was ok with exiting at a win, with it gaining 5.25% when I decided to sell during pre-market at 6:21 A.M PST.



This earnings winner had a intraday breakout and I bought in at the break. This ran up last week. Exit I just sold this as it broke out slowly and struggled in the .80's and I figured pull back coming soon. PS the big red candle came.



Bought back in on this earnings winner. Had a dip off the highs and holding support pretty well. So took a starter on the dip. Added 8.32 500 Exit Had the intraday breakout and I sold into strength. Good trade. PS after my exit went up over 8.70's.



Earnings winner in afterhours. This just did a daily breakout. Which I've been waiting for. Added 8.23 500, added 8.06 500, added 7.89 500, added 7.30 500. Exit I love it. Worked out just like I planned it. That doesn’t always happen. I just sold a little sooner but I sold into strength and it had another .20 upside. Good trade. I was planning this one for a few weeks.


-$519 Loss
EGHTLong Stock

Bought this earnings winner just after open when it pulled back. Added 2.88 1000, added 2.84 2000. Exit I messed this one up. I tried to sell for a small loss but didn't get filled and then went into afterhours and the spread just huge now so had to take the bigger loss. Bad trade


-$225 Loss
VMEOLong Stock

Bought this earnings winner at the open when it dipped down to support. Added 6.93 500, Exit This didn't go my way and I gave it to much time so cut for small loss.


-$62 Loss
DATSLong Stock

Entry comments: Dip buying this PM runner. This is one I was watching and then Tim S. alerted he was dip buying. I'm trying as well. Hope to get 5 - 10%

Exit comments: No bounce on this one. Almost got losses under 5%


of 3,914
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.