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$90 Profit
NXRPLong Stock
-$15 Loss
KAPALong Stock

mid day buy no bounce from entry too early for my entry my initial plan is somewhere 2.20ish area so from there is a good bounce but its okay I win still today I will keep trying these strategies in more conservative way. I will be more decipline and focus on my strategies trade small and make it bigger eventually until I have more trade under my belt. 2.38 is my exit because I set that in 2.30 but my target exit is 2.40ish because I am still checking if its gonna bounce from there but it not


-$23 Loss
PHIOLong Stock

I need to be patience and stop moving my stops loss. This was a lesson learn. If I would of stayed in as planed I would of made a small profit but it was moving slow. Also I'm trying 5min charts with my Zone strategy. Still learning what works for me.


-$126 Loss
SLRXLong Stock

Bought consolidation after $7.20 HOD, the actual #5 bounce was below that. Need to be more careful dip buying the back side on stocks with halts.


$8 Profit
VRMELong Stock

Once again as I learn what works for me. I'm trying what I call a zone strategy/ break out. I like placing a box for visual with a enter point at 5% based on a close and open candle in my sweet spot I set above a resistance level I drew. This helps me with a visual of my strategy to enter and exit a trade. I know have to repeat and rinse. I think I need more patience to stay in and stick to my plan. But overall I think this plan is working for me as a beginner trader.


$13 Profit
KAPALong Stock

2nd dip buy from its high there still more buyer so I think this will gonna a be good is support. lock the single


Perfect entry, slightly early exit. Dipped back to $7.25 6 minutes later and hit $9.79 HOD 6 minutes after that, but the best day trade would have still been rebuying the dip rather than holding through it.


$39 Profit
PHIOLong Stock

Re-bought this big % gainer on a dip but didn't catch the bottom. Should have followed the plan, which was to get it in 6.90s. Very low float and erratic price action, so when it couldn't hold 7.20s looked to lower exit price. Bounced again and executed at original sell price, on it's way over $8 two minutes later. Bummer!



Second Day Winner


Open Trade
SLRXLong Stock

Entry comments: Oracle Pick



Re-bought this big % gainer on a dip but didn't catch the bottom. Bounced right away, though, and when got over $6 looked to get out. Didn't hold and was looking to reduce sell price when it bounced again and executed on its way over 6.50. Who'd a thought?


$30 Profit
VRMELong Stock

Second Day Winner



Entry comments: Day. Due to wife distractions I missed my original entries & those plans worked out well. I walked away to gain composer. When I returned, I waited for another dip since vol was going crazy, plus this was my set up w/no vol looking left! I entered on a DBAV w/100@6.97, using 5ema as risk 6.79, TGT 7.51, but knew it would hit 8-9 based on speed.

Exit comments: I scaled out into resist lines which weren't really resist since no vol, but I wanted to take my profits as my acct is way red after my TGT cause I looked away for a moment & it surpassed it! 50@9.12, 24@8.91, 1@9.5 (partial fill), 10@8.7, & 15@8.04. Great trade now get back to staying calm!


-$109 Loss
KAPALong Stock

Stupid trade. STT L2 not working, nor L1, nor chart. Should have just stayed away as not sure WHAT price it was selling at. Paid the price for arrogance.


-$16 Loss
NITOLong Stock

News spike on old FGD, dip and bought at r/g level with sl just below, didn’t really do anything and hit stop loss.


$38 Profit
PHIOLong Stock

In Zone at 6.38 out at 6.76 stop loss at 5.74. My strategy is to enter in a selected point using hot keys and exit with 10% gain or 10% to 5% loss as I adjust my stop if needed. I find looking at a selected resistance level and entering a trade as I see a candle closing above the resistance level and the next open above is a great entry point of 5%. To visual this I draw a box on my chart and this seems to help me execute my trade plan better. I like using my hot keys. I keep learning.



jumped in ahead of the oracle signal as this was moving with volume, got out just past major resistance, only to watch this go all the way to 9.79... should have sold half and let the rest ride.


$24 Profit
KAPALong Stock

conference today I wait patiently to my entry speculative stock I noticed if its break 2.00 its gonna go panic more instead I have good R/R in 1.80ish if I get enter in 1.90 and I did it again but not get greedy

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