youre lucky the thing came down. All indicators indicated it was going to spike right out the gate but instead we got doodoo volume. I had to cut losses at .20 from .26 and of course I was on the right track just miss timed it as usual. congrats on making money on this pos stock
Thank you very much!! I was actually going to the do the same as but I am naive about volume I'm still learning about it. But for some reason something said it would increase like right now volume seem a bit higher than this morning and the the price is up to .40 I regret selling early but I guess I wanted to lock in profit on first penny trade lol
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If your talking about the profitly website vs app. The website is much better because of the navigation tab were the tab of the app is basic
well yeah im on the website now and I wanted to know what is the goto move
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@AlredyGS just became a fully transparent trader today!
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