
Many thanks for accepting my request to join this fantastic group, I'm looking forward to getting started after i complete my studies. Happy New Year to everyone.

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Hi, Can anyone help me? I live in the UK, I've been trying to set up an account with Interactive Brokers for about three weeks now set up a £10,000 acount, answered loads of questions but they still won't let me trade. Can anyone recomend a good UK or accessable from the UK broker I could use please? I have am using StocksToTrade.

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EllisTTrades Jan 04, 21 6:56 PM

@SaJa hey I am from the Uk also. Did you solve your issue? Worried I will have the same issue....

SaJa Jan 05, 21 3:48 AM

@ETrickett8 yes, there are certain criteria you have to meet when filling out the application. Two years plus trading experience stuff like that. The have live assistance which is a great help. Good luck.

EllisTTrades Jan 05, 21 4:51 AM

What if you don’t have 2 years? Do you need proof?

SaJa Jan 13, 21 6:32 AM

No you just have to "satisfy" them that you have. When you're filling out the form just tell them what they want/need to hear.

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