Received 22 Karmas
dfletch91 Apr 06, 24 3:16 PM

BRO!!! it's been a while since I've reached out to you, I just finished up studying your latest webinar. there about an 1hr and a half long but it takes me about 3 hrs to study them so I've gotta watched them archived so I can digest the information. I love the way you teach you have know idea how much you've helped me! like you mentioned about 3 or 4 webbys's ago my biggest adversary right now is me! not executing at key levels (hesitating) and lack of discipline (chasing) fear of losing instan

dfletch91 Apr 06, 24 3:23 PM

ly becoming fear of missing out. but I know that that only I can fix that problem. Anyway just wanna send my 100% gratitude and give you an update on my trading journey🙏🙏🙏

sgnethery Sep 06, 24 5:50 AM

Thanks Ellis. I do learn from all your vids

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Received 11 Karmas
Cyren Dec 12, 23 11:03 PM

Great explanation of when is the right time in regards to time of day and your personal schedule. Such a great lesson.

ArtOfWar Dec 13, 23 1:09 AM

@Jdegregz just way easier to trade the momentum in this market during regular market hours.

Integra Dec 13, 23 5:09 AM

Thank you for your honesty

tiptoeshoerepair Dec 18, 23 7:03 PM

like it short and direct as possible, good see how number five sykes pattern evolve.

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Received 7 Karmas
DDT Nov 27, 23 7:15 PM

Thank you Ellis.

ArtOfWar Nov 28, 23 7:58 AM

@yessir From where I actually perceived it bouncing in real time. More of an advanced trade that actually has to been seen in real time due to the volatility. Just know that when I do play bounces like that it is usually an identified level of major support from before.

nelagil Nov 29, 23 7:43 AM

Thanks for a so clear explanation Ellis

Cyren Nov 29, 23 10:49 PM

Awesome webby, coach! I'm typically and FGD trader but this makes so much more sense.

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Had a great run with SHOT - Had it on my watchlist Thursday night because it reached its 52 W high and a major announcement at the Luke Bryan concert on the 18th. So, I entered pre-market on Friday around 7:30 am at $2.69 and let it run over the weekend until market close today at $4.28 for a $636 profit.

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$1,620 profit SHOT Long Stock

Entry comments: I'm buying this multiday runner ahead of their public debut tomorrow at a concert with country star Luke Bryan as their shot promises to cut alcohol levels in blood in 30 min as profiled by Forbes: so if its true it can be HUGE & remember 2 of the biggest plays in Nasdaq history are Monster & Celsius so drinks can take off. Full video this weekend, but this moves fast so maybe even short squeeze into the close, goal is to make 7-15%

Exit comments: Taking profits into strength not because I don't think it can go further, but I'm on a flight with iffy wifi and while there's still momentum, I don't know how long it'll last so I'll just lay it safe now

Received 7 Karmas
User_1610 Nov 18, 23 12:03 PM

Watching And Analyzing!

tupuad Nov 20, 23 9:44 AM

Thanks Tim!

MSAnnie Nov 20, 23 12:45 PM

Thanks Tim, in at 3.08, out at 3.39 500 shares. wahoo!

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Received 5 Karmas
CrunchTime19 Nov 02, 23 7:33 PM

These will be next as I continue to study in the Challenge

aj_scoops Nov 16, 23 10:32 PM

Thanks for taking the time to make these video lessons! Much appreciated!

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@intek299 just became a fully transparent trader today!

CrunchTime19 Aug 03, 23 11:14 PM

MKFG (50 shares) on 7/25 in @ 1.83 & out @ 1.85 (+$1)

CrunchTime19 Aug 20, 23 7:56 AM

Learning more and more each day. Going through all the lessons and have just completed "How to Make Millions" and "Trader Checklist Part 1". Will be starting "Short Stocking" today. I don't plan on doing any short stocking, but will do my best to learn it anyway.

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