
Just posted a trade about a nice gain with GRRR this morning! My stats show 2 for 2 on trades...still waiting for that humbling loss to happen. Which it will & I will CUT MY LOSSES QUICKLY!! Love the trading game so far

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Good morning! Beautiful views today driving in the K countryside and I'm going to meet some of my newest millionaire students so do you have any questions for them?!

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CruzControl Jun 24, 23 9:47 AM

@timothysykes did any of them utilize paper trading starting out or did they just dive right in with the real money?

CruzControl Jun 24, 23 9:49 AM

@timothysykes Also what advice would they give there younger trading self? (If you only knew now what you didn't know then) :-)

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Learning more & more everyday! I can't wait for the real learning to being when I start putting in actual trades with real money. Telling myself over and over "CUT LOSSES QUICKLY" right Tim?

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