Nice! I’ll be doing a lot of that (but on purpose) over the next few months to get back on track.
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I put money into my trading account as 'market tuition'. It keeps account whole even if I lose some of it each month while trying to master the game. Feels better mentally than a 'blow up' all of it than reload. FWIW
Put in a fixed amount each month as 'market tuition'
I need to do that. Using current income to smash debt while I learn the market, but allocating a fixed amount each month will help it build up over time.
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Transition To Trading Progress 1. 30 Day Bootcamp 2. Enrolled into Transition To Trading 3. 6-hour conference in Moscow 4. Video lessons (ongoing) 5. How To Make Millions 6. Spikeability 7. Traders Checklist 8. Traders Checklist Part Deux 9. Pennystocking Framework 10. Webinars (ongoing) 11. Pennystocking Framework Part Deux 12. Lifetime membership to Transition to Trading 13. Lifetime membership to AI Blueprint and xGPT
14. Winter Glitch 101
15. Seasoned Trader lessons
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6 Spikeability
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Looking at a strategy change. Looks like spikes are weaker and panics are fitting my schedule better. Can’t short on Robinhood, but put options might be a possibility.
My new 5-rule plan: Rule 1: Don’t trade like a newbie. Rule 2: Cut losses quickly (defined by cutting at or prior to losing $0.10/share). Rule 3: Pick only 1-2 trades/day or less. Rule 4: Stick with the basic plan (find the best trade after-market and sell in the morning). Rule 5: Get over the FOMO!
I didn’t win today, by a long shot. I picked two stocks that looked like good runners. They tanked right out the door. However, I had ABEO on my watchlist, and it was making a solid run midday, so I bought it. I decided to hold since it was doing well. I’m looking to sell tomorrow. Hard choice though. It started it’s run at 8:40, peaked at two different points, and leveled out. I’ll certainly check the morning spike, but may hold until around noon.
I’m in the same boat. I got out of all my positions and will be taking time off to get finances in order and to refocus. I’ll be tracking trades and looking at how the Challenge mentors trade. I hope to get back in sometime in 2025.
Good! Take the mental time off. I was off for 3 months. This is the second time that I've done so, and it has helped both times. While you're off, study! I highly recommend going over the basics all over again.
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