
-$601 loss EGOC Long Stock

Entry comments: STT news play o a dip off its highs in the .009s, acquisition news, goal is to profit 10-20%, could be fast since its new news

Exit comments: B=No bounce so cut losses fast, I tried to be patient, cut losses fast, remember http://tim.ly/clq

Received 6 Karmas
Sulaco May 14, 21 10:15 AM

Why did you average down? I'm knew here like day 4 lol, but I thought I heard you mention in one of the video lessons to not average down? Just curious, thanks.

Chiko May 14, 21 10:56 AM

@Sulaco It all depends really, I'm new too and I see even Tim will change rules when seem appropriate and when you have a lot of experience. Cheers and keep up studying! ^^

LABAN_PILIPINAS May 15, 21 8:22 AM

We are all newbie here lol. Watching How to make millions dvd. done watching trader checklist part deux dvd 3x lol.

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