
@MarxistTrader Dbask Aug 12, 7:32 AM I see you are a swing trader , so you know any good YouTube videos or anything period where I can learn to swing trade. I get day trading and shorting but I want to learn swing long and swing short etc..

MarxistTrader Aug 16, 17 1:12 PM

I've learned mostly from InvestorsUnderground. I basically try to trade their 'ABCD' pattern on daily charts rather than intra-day charts. Unlike them, however, I often try to anticipate what sector money will flow into based on foreseeable events (e.g. legalization votes last year, bitcoin runs this year, etc.).

MarxistTrader Aug 16, 17 1:14 PM

Well - not that they never do that, but I wait for "perks" less than they do. I often buy flat action anticipating perks.

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