Received 9 Karmas
mikesomer Jan 17, 22 12:22 AM

good thread thanks guys

Rams46 Dec 20, 22 2:05 PM

Hello Michael, I have some detail questions on SEC filings. Can I email you those questions? Thanks, Albert

StefanSchwarz13 Dec 20, 22 2:54 PM

@Rams46 I'm not Michael, and I originated this thread. If you are trying to reach Michael Goode, I suggest that you message him directly.

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[TimChallenge] all traders have that issue sometimes -- you lose most money when your mind is messed up. Go for a walk, watch videos, play Fortnite, work your day-job, etc

Received 19 Karmas

[TimAlerts] +$32k for me today short $TSNP and +$16k shorting it yesterday. Not bad. This is the first time I've had back to back 6 figure months. I had some much smaller wins on OTC longs too.

Received 13 Karmas

[TimChallenge] I did my first gag in here in a long time -- please don't pump illiquid trash or be abusive towards other people

Received 14 Karmas

[TimChallenge] y'all please don't pepper Jack with questions when he is in the middle of a (likely sizeable) trade. And don't ask what he's holding over the weekend when there are 3 hours until the close

Received 23 Karmas

[TimChallenge] Mark Croock had his desk collapse and he was injured somewhat (good reason not to have glass desk imo)

Received 1 Karma

Just wanted to give a shout out to @markcroock- great webinar today! @timothysykes @kroyrunner @MichaelGoode @TimLento and everyone else in the challenge. I have learned more in the last week and half than I did in the past 15 years. Hopefully done working the 9-5 by the end of the year.

Received 9 Karmas
motyben Jul 13, 20 3:41 PM

Where this webinar can be watched ? ill appreciate a link

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@MichaelGoode hello! So today KOTV had a massive drop because of an offering I think. So I was wondering at what times can offerings be done? Do they have to have a shelf registration to do it during regular market hours or does it have to be an atm? Or does that not matter? Sorry if my question is unclear. I was just confused cause I see some stocks drop bc of offerings Overnight and some intraday and I’m not sure if there’s a specific reason for that or if the company is just releasing the offering whenever they want. Thank you!!!

MichaelGoode Jun 24, 20 9:14 AM

Offerings can be done at any time -- as long as there is an effective shelf registration. Even if there is no effective registration a company could do a PIPE with a promise to register those shares in the future.

Bito Jun 24, 20 1:14 PM

Again, you da best thank you 🙏

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@MichaelGoode Hi Michael. I am a new challenge student and I have been studying the DVDs one by one. I am on SEC filings now. Based on what I learnt in the DVD, I applied it on SSFT for a case study over this weekend. Since this is the first time, I am a bit cloudy on deriving an opinion after I analysed them and I have some lingering questions. Please will you be able to offer some clarity if I send you my inferences and questions on Sonasoft ? Please can I email you my document ?

MichaelGoode Jun 15, 20 2:57 PM

I assume you are the one who contacted me in chat in which case I already have those, right?

parrys_corner Jun 15, 20 3:59 PM

yes yes, I am the one. I realized there was no way to share a file in the comments, so then pinged you in chat.

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@MichaelGoode Hi Michael. Could you please assist me in which chapter of the SEC DVD I can find information about offerings. Thanks.

Abdula May 22, 20 10:39 AM

Thanks a lot. Ricky has great videos on offering and pipes.

MichaelGoode May 26, 20 6:47 PM

@Abdula got a bunch of notifications of new comments from you but I don't see anything -- maybe try sending again or sending a message.

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@MichaelGoode Hey Michael, while SRNE might be a little irrelevant right now I was trying to understand SEC filings better after your DVD and your YouTube interview with Bohen. So for SRNE on the 424B5 they are saying the offering is worth $250,000,000 and can be exercised at a price of 1.67 or it can be exercised ATM? If I got it wrong if you put could break down that offering or help me understand that would be absolutely amazing. Thank you!

MichaelGoode May 20, 20 5:09 PM

"The Purchaser is an “underwriter” within the meaning of Section 2(a)(11) of the Securities Act. The Purchaser has informed us that it will use an unaffiliated broker-dealer to effectuate all sales, if any, of the Purchase Shares that it may purchase from us pursuant to the Purchase Agreement. Such sales will be made on the Nasdaq Capital Market at prices and at terms then prevailing or at prices related to the then current market price. Each such unaffiliated broker-dealer will be an underwrite

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OBLN seems like a good shorting opportunity.. reminds me of YUMA after its reverse stock split.. Was curious to know your thoughts and see if I'm on the right track with my thesis.

Received 1 Karma
MichaelGoode Jul 25, 19 1:54 PM

I hate shorting stuff down 10% on the day already. That being said, it likely continues to fade, but you need to be careful with these reverse split stocks because the float is so low

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@MichaelGoode Hi Michael, I was wondering if you are able to trade OTC grey market stocks with IB? It's not letting me, saying "Trading in OTC grey market stocks is not supported". Really frustrating. Is there any solutions for this? Thanks!

Received 2 Karmas
MichaelGoode Mar 12, 19 10:35 AM

There is no way around this -- if you have a position in a grey-market stock at IB they will let you call the trade desk to close it out. But they won't let you open new positions in grey market stocks. If for whatever reason you want to trade grey market stocks you will have to use another broker.

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@MichaelGoode Hi Michael. You mention on your blog that you do not use TWS anymore, but you are still using Interactive Brokers. I was just wondering if you are using DAS connected with IB or a different broker for the charts and L2 but use IB to execute orders. Thank you.

Received 1 Karma
MichaelGoode Sep 26, 18 9:58 AM

I don't know where I would have said that -- I still use TWS. I do use DAS Pro with Centerpoint for level 2 and charts

tommyvercetti55 Sep 26, 18 3:04 PM

Oh sorry, I didn't read that carefully. You replied to someone on your blog that you still use TWS but not time and sales and L2. Do you think DAS level 2 and time and sales is more accurate than IB's?

MichaelGoode Sep 27, 18 9:44 AM

TWS L2 & time and sales is just as good but I have always considered TWS charts ugly. I have used them in the past but I just find it easier to use DAS Pro and I have to pay for those charts / L2 anyway whereas I don't have to pay for the IB L2 if I don't want it

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@MichaelGoode Hey Michael, I'm trying to see which fee structure is better for pennies. Tiered or Fixed (interactive brokers) Have you used both fee structure? If yes which one is best to choose? Thank you in advance.

MichaelGoode Jun 18, 18 1:28 PM

Either tier structure is expensive for cheap stocks (particularly under $1 per share). I recommend tiered if you buy on the bid and sell on the ask more often than not

tommyvercetti55 Jun 19, 18 2:00 AM

Thanks Michael, I'm guessing tiered fee structure is best if you add liquidity to the market, and get rebates on that?

MichaelGoode Jun 19, 18 9:59 AM

Yes, if you add liquidity then tiered is best and overall it will be cheaper

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@MichaelGoode Hey Michael got another question for ya. What problems might arise when trading Sub dollar stocks? I'd like to trade these (longs only) so I can take larger position sizes for larger nominal profits.

MichaelGoode May 17, 18 2:01 PM

Keep in mind that what matters is not the price but the volatility. If you have a $10k position in a $1 stock and it goes up 10% you will make $1k. If you have a $10k position in a $10 stock and it goes up 10% you will still make $1k. So don't avoid trading higher-priced stocks for that reason. If you are trading Nasdaq stocks then all that matters is that your broker doesn't charge you per share commissions (or else it will get very expensive). If the stocks are OTC (most of the cheapest stocks

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@MichaelGoode Hey Michael! What price action do you look for in overnight trades? Thanks.

michaelstevens May 08, 18 4:54 PM

Does a strong close indicate a potential morning spike? Currently longs only for me.

MichaelGoode May 09, 18 10:01 AM

it does make it more likely to gap up but I don't find it that reliable

Freddieferber May 16, 18 6:32 PM

Hello Michael... I just signed up for Silver and am happy to be here. Will not be sending many question, only a very occasional one if critical. Bought IHT today near close after the big dip. In at 2.35, did not bounce. Did not want to hold overnight re: not closing near hight. Cut losses quickly, out at 2.33 after holding to 2 min before close :-) . Any words of wisdom welcome as I am new but study and listen. Trading very small position instead of paper. Thanks so much. Freddie

Freddieferber May 16, 18 6:34 PM

will probably stick to dip buy in the open.

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