
[TimAlerts] "bulltrader9:give me a reason why PULM will not end up at the MOON" this guy is freaking ridiculous


[TimAlerts] $CBIS going for a probably o/n on 5k @ .1022 if it keeps its trend during power hour. up on good news and a repeat pattern from 4 days ago


[TimAlerts] FDA approval for $SGYP, it has potential to spike in the morning, especially if it hits the 9.92 mark in pre-market tomorrow


[TimAlerts] was in APOP and only took like %10 gains, vs others staying till the %50-%70 mark


[TimAlerts] If $GLBS breaks 8 i might use one of my day trades to go back in on a dip. I'm more flexible with small share amounts especially after I've locked in profits once.

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