
My morning DPLS trade! One of my best trades. It may be small (just $200 bucks) but I rarely make that much in one trade. Still learning and scaling up! Thanks Tim and all the Challenge mentors!!!

RouxBourbon Aug 17, 21 10:16 AM

Excellent risk reward, buying that dip and risking lod has a super strong edge.

TheLostNomad Aug 17, 21 10:17 AM

DPLS now in the mid-.12's. Crazy!

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reverselong Aug 31, 20 11:21 AM

tradervue counts a trade differently as they go by tickers. however, im in and out of the same ticker multiple times. i dont have a max #. i just try to stay within 2-3 tickers max as I know the more tickers I trade the less odds in general. the days with more tickers are usually slower days where I'm in and out of the stock for small gains as I changed my mind about my plan. For example, I shorted MOGU without knowing about the earnings date being that same day, so I got out quickly... counted

reverselong Aug 31, 20 11:37 AM

@Lyoness also for looking at the 11th and 18th, it says 1 trade, but i shorted and reshorted those days the same ticker in and out a few times.

Lyoness Aug 31, 20 12:13 PM

Thank you. I appreciate seeing everyone's approaches.

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