[TimAlerts] $BCEI any news
[TimAlerts] $BCEI any news
[TimAlerts] its in Play $ATHX. one way or the other. Sorry was in the pool. Video is upoaded yall should check it out #WolvesOfWallstreet
@Wolves_Of_WallStreet Thanks so much for your help this morning ...and I wish you & your family a very happy, safe vacation !
[TimAlerts] $BCEI up over 10% from 5:13pm yesterday post. Interesting
[TimAlerts] $BCEI the cash seems to have boosted it this morning, see post from yesterday in chat room, pm me thought?
[TimAlerts] The Company has a current cash position of $235 million compared to a cash position of $21 million at December 31, 2015. $BCEI doesthis mean this stock goes from 2.3 to $23 per share since their cash went from 21million to 235 million
@Wolves_Of_WallStreet Thanks for your suggestion...
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