[TimAlerts] $BCEI any news
[TimAlerts] $BCEI any news
[TimAlerts] its in Play $ATHX. one way or the other. Sorry was in the pool. Video is upoaded yall should check it out #WolvesOfWallstreet
@Wolves_Of_WallStreet Thanks so much for your help this morning ...and I wish you & your family a very happy, safe vacation !
[TimAlerts] $BCEI up over 10% from 5:13pm yesterday post. Interesting
[TimAlerts] $BCEI the cash seems to have boosted it this morning, see post from yesterday in chat room, pm me thought?
[TimAlerts] The Company has a current cash position of $235 million compared to a cash position of $21 million at December 31, 2015. $BCEI doesthis mean this stock goes from 2.3 to $23 per share since their cash went from 21million to 235 million
@Wolves_Of_WallStreet Thanks for your suggestion...
[TimAlerts] Ahhhhhh the chat room. how i miss being in here... so i see a litte $XOMA......
[TimAlerts] $BCEI WeWolvesEat. Good morning all!
@Wolves_Of_WallStreet It would be nice if you make a tutorial of how you use Optionhouse showing settings and in general what kind of tools you use the most. Thanks
Optionshouse has their own tutorials on www.optionshouse.com/webinars. 2nd my suggestion would be simply to study Tims videos. Train your eyes for patterns a,d recognition and anticipation of those patterns. On optionshouse, they give a brief explanation of each indicator, but indicators are just that...indicators. they are like tools and i liken them to Football player equipment. helment, pads, tape, face mask, so on. learn the indicators individually and what they mean, and start paper trading
Do you use the professional version?
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