I haven't posted watchlists in a long time because i've been between strategies and testing new ideas. Additionally it was more work to type all that out when i could summarize my plan with 5 words on a post-it so i just stuck with that.
I've been trading for 3 years and can honestly say i've amassed a significant amount of knowledge (or so i think) about this craft. I have reliable setups, and data to support my ideas. I know how to create a plan, and i very rarely look at a stock and think "i don't know whats going on". Most of my roadblocks have been trading related affairs such as account/broker issues, and lack of sufficient capital. By far not having reliable shares to short has been my number one issue, and i realized is something i must solve if i want to trade the way i want. I currently have quite a bit of capital to trade with but without the shares that's meaningless.
So after tooting my own horn and blaming my broker for not being a success, i should mention that i have a great deal of psychological trouble that i must overcome if i want to "make it" and i fully recognize that i am 100% responsible for my situation.
Finally to the goddamn point of this blog post, I am going to stop posting on profit.ly for a little while. I'm not going to post weekly reviews, and not going to upload my trades, nothing. My life outside of trading is going to be changing in the near future which may obstruct my trading, additionally i think the additional pressure of being accountable to a social platform might be doing more harm than good as i'd rather just remain accountable to my trading buddies.
I'm not done trading. Far from it. I may have to pull back on it a little bit, but I'm not quitting by any means. I'll die pursuing this if i have to. Hopefully i will return to posting on profit.ly or at least having some sort of blog. But when that time comes, things will be different.
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"By far not having reliable shares to short has been my number one issue"
then study up on going long and commit to it. change your strategy if it no longer serves your best interests. blaming someone else for your failures never leads to success. Realizing what hasn't worked for you, and owning it, is a step in a better direction.
@BruceLeeroy yeah ive realized this, i do go long, but i only have 2 long setups and 12 short setups, thats because the short side is much more reliable on small caps and will always be that way. I could probably develop more long setups but they will likely be quick plays.
i will always have more edge going short
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