
@VanRyan Did you go in on NXTD? Are you kicking yourself like me? LOL

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VanRyan Jul 05, 17 11:43 PM

haha no, I left that alone.

krs1 Jul 06, 17 12:40 AM

I felt like kicking myself...but at least I have it as experience now

krs1 Jul 06, 17 12:41 AM

hope you're trading is going well

VanRyan Jul 07, 17 3:34 PM

Lately it's been kinda rough, short sellers have been really aggressive lately.

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wannabestocktrader Jun 30, 17 7:15 AM

Your post made me realize I need to get back to trying new setups. I've tried a few, but not really happy with mine so far. I assume you're using a 2x2 cell layout based on the top right menu button icons. I don't use that top right gadget (I use trade and sales instead), but I like the live news being docked/linked on the left bar since it just takes up space where L2 is. I'm going to give a similar layout to this a try and see how I like it, thanks for sharing.

VanRyan Jul 05, 17 11:45 PM

@Kody It's great for charts, and super fast executions. But finding shares to short is almost impossible.

Kody Jul 06, 17 12:32 AM

@VanRyan how is the scanner? Is it pretty user friendly? I downloaded the software and it seems a bit much tbh lol! Thanks for the response

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Westexan May 16, 17 6:21 PM

to short sell..just use sell and as long as you dont have any postions it will automaticall short sell your postion..same with buy to cover

TheMove May 16, 17 6:24 PM

Ok, thank you. Just wanted to be sure it would do what I want since it doesn't say it verbatim on the phone app.

radkan May 16, 17 10:36 PM

on tradeking (now ally) it's asking to accept "hard-to-borrow" fees disclaimer etc. what does that mean? Do all brokers have a fee like that?

Westexan May 17, 17 12:52 PM

@radkan you have to pay a fee to borrow those shares, because there are very little and demand type of situation..the hard to borrow the higher the fee

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[TimAlerts] PULM head & shoulders, I would be short on this on the next spike


[TimAlerts] PULM I wouldn't buy just yet, it's mid-day, and still need to watch how support and resistance play out

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[TimAlerts] PULM look at all the fortune tellers in here. You can't predict what the stock will do next...

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