Received 79 Karmas
TraderJP Jan 17, 22 2:14 PM

Thanks Tim, I will look at all opportunities.

User_1610 May 31, 22 9:58 PM

Watching And Analyzing!

mitnick2 Aug 17, 22 1:43 PM

These patterns happen again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again

andreacgabrieli Oct 16, 22 8:08 PM

I will look at all opportunities! Then try to capitalize on what works for you!

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-$150 loss LIACF Long Stock

Entry comments: Taking bigger position now as this one is looking t come back and easier to execute than NEXCF, same multiday pattern, buying into the panic, goal is to make 10-20%

Exit comments: Zzzzzz, no bounce and it's oing nowhere fast, I'm out with small losses which is fine, NEXCF was the one to have patience on as its back up to 6.40 from the 5.70ish lows, somehow still up $1k+ today, gonna do a HUGELY important video lesson on successful vs failed dip buys, its gonna be a must watch later today.

Received 16 Karmas
mrpatient11 Jul 14, 20 11:36 AM

@Kajax Are you utilizing a margin account or a cash account? Margin accounts settle funds the same day, cash accounts do not.

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Received 7 Karmas
alanandetana Jul 16, 20 12:32 PM

would you nprefer interactive or TDA for outside US? thanks

Maithai Nov 22, 20 8:49 AM

i open account with Trade zero with my small account , made 34 trades 2 of them free . my win in 2 weeks $850 i payed in commision $350 ridiculous

Maithai Nov 22, 20 8:50 AM

on SOLO made 250 USD commision 140 USD

Maithai Nov 26, 20 8:54 AM

im in UK got Etrade account, need to call them or chat online, they will give you a link to register for non US,

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This is important so please retweet if you get it understand...big winners/losers refer to their daily % gain, not that a pump that's up as a big % gainer on any day means it'll be a "big winner" over time LOL

alanandetana Jul 08, 20 5:05 PM

Not a big winner but my first trade picked up GNUS FOR 2.20, sold half for 2.42 and the other half for 2.34 as ticker started sliding to break even. TP $175!

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First Green Month 🤓 It's a marathon, not a sprint💰 I am SO proud of this!

Received 4 Karmas
omgjoereally Jul 02, 20 11:37 AM

Awesome!! I'm finally getting good at this also!

13reigh Dec 02, 20 10:45 AM

I got ahead of myself.. still working to achieve that consistent green 🤓 appreciate the motivation!

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