
Does Anyone know why on the ask it says IEX -1.00 ? I have seen this a few times in the past and normally goes down afterwards, but not sure if that coincidence ir not

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21/10/24 Since my last update i have now read The Complete investor, Best loser Wins, 100 bagger, Technical analysis on different times frames, How make money selling short, The hour between the dog and the wolf, Secrets of profiting in bull and bear markets, and currently reading a complete guide to volume price analysis. I have watched all Jack Kelloggs past webbys 60x in total and are my favourite to watch, he is an inspiration and how he explains his trades and execution and thought process is superb, i will rewatch as well, they are that good, during the morning now i am watching Tim Grittanis webbys and have currently done 35 of them so far, every spare minute, i am reading books, reading charts, watching webbys, watching live markets, I have downsize to approx. $200 per trade with a loss limit depending on chart of approx. $10-20 I am currently trying to find the patterns that suit me, I have been monitoring FGD, but struggle with these, as seen a few I watched take off without me with super low volume, and ones with volume start to go then fade, I signed up to Tim Bohens STT daily income trader for Oracle and breaking news and have been through the full site to do list and have been watching all his live content and as many as I can of his old content, I am certainly building up the knowledge bank and have started to not worry about profit and loss and simply want to find a technique that suits my personality, Tim Bohen talked about regarding RCT and because I see PM everyday this could be useful to me, as I never miss a PM, so I attempted my first one today after refusing to take GRI at $1.10 first and 2nd at $1.64 that ran very nice, I thought it was time to try, so I took $SYRA at $2.13 to $2.33 for a test and worked out in 3 minute trade for quick 9% so going to monitor this one, so after 10 months, I feel I have learnt a great deal and that I couldn't study anymore than I am doing, so I am helping this learning with the sheer volume I am doing and looking back to when I started with Sykes with zero knowledge, but even so I have learnt a lot, its only a very small fraction of the knowledge, history and experience needed, so I am truly in this for the long haul and looking forward to the challenge and battle that is commencing.

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160824 Rewatching Tims DVD as been through them all, Started watching Jacks webbys approx 6 weeks back, watched 40 of 50 of them now, great watching learn extra ways on top of the DVD, always there for AOW webbys and rewatch these back as quiet a different style to Jacks, 8mths in and now feeling like i am starting to absorb the knowledge, but there is Soooooooo much to learn, from getting up to going to bed i am stock market absorbed, i no longer cycle to work i walk and listen to Tim Bohens steady trade podcasts, these are very good and i am now on episode 132, i have not watched any tv apart from the odd live footy game or Olympics and even then i have the laptop open and watching the market, i literally can not spend anymore time on this during the week, weekends is time for the kids during the day, so i study when i can on the morning and then back on the night time with webbys or vids and every night i go to sleep reading a stocks book. i want this more than ever and will do everything within my power to succeed, i have no go to pattern as yet as trying and learning what suits me and works for me, so onwards and upwards from here.

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Note to self, concentrate on my trades and dont switch off reading of other trades, traded LGVN this morning and had plan to buy the dip and guess what, missed it as looking elsewhere with alerts going on etc, Lesson learnt CONCENTRATE ON MY STOCK PICK.

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11th June 2024, 5mths in on the challenge, all DVDS been watched, also watched a old webinars and going through Jacks and watched 10 old ones so far, read books a long side, Books read so far. American Hedge Fund Candlestick Course The Psychology of trading Reminiscences of a stock operator Complete Turtle Trader Confessions of a street addict Current reading Mastering the market cycle. Since starting the Tim challenge, zero TV watched, all spare time is for studying, it took me 12 mins to bike to work, too dangerous to listen to podcasts on bike, so i now walk to work and takes 28 mins and listen to stocks to trade podcast there and back so no wasted minutes, currently on episode 86. My Knowledge is growing, but a long long way to go, trading mainly while at work, can be difficult, but i want this, so i will make it work. trying to see what patterns i like best, but so far unsure what works yet, spreadsheeting every trade and started a trading diary, trying to find my edge, my way but growing my knowledge bank will take time, everyday trying to get better, i want this more than i wanted anything in my life.

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Received 7 Karmas
PhillipHampton May 16, 12:09 AM

Awesome Job! Great video lesson! I hope to see you again at the next conference

DDT May 16, 12:37 AM

Thanks Jake! Love the explanation of thought process - appreciate it!

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Feel like a rabbit in headlights, dont ever do stress, never let anything get to me, but feeling all over, watched markets, read, done excel worksheets for tracking, 100s of hours of DVD's since started in Jan24 and feel over whelmed today, going to take afternoon off and spend some time with my youngest 2 and enjoy the family for the day, leaving a hot market, but just cant focus.

jimbocoy1 Jun 04, 11:13 AM

Sucky day, traded MLGO at $4.50 stopped out $3.95, refused to rebuy at $4.50 again and at $6 and $7 as thought was chasing, by 11am it was $12.98, soooo close, just bad entry, lesson to self, work on entry and adapt.

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Only 1 on watchlist today, was hoping it dropped out of the gate, but instantly flew up to 2, not sure how i could of seen this, with it happening so soon, checked for dips and chance at 11am for 1.5, didnt take it as wasnt sure if would drop more as various pos support lines, with the biggest at 1, so didnt wanna risk evens reward, so left it. it did get back as high as 1, before bouncing lower and lower before crack at the close to 1.57, good lesson and zero FOMO.

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Been a very productive week i feel, watched loads of hours of dvd lessons, learnt lots from Ellis on webby and chat as well as from Tims alerts, learnt as much from his profitable ones as i did from the cutting losses ones, need to learn more on entries, spent alot of time planning trades and seeing entries hit & missed and working out why, as well as level 2 reading, as each day this week i have proper put the hours in, too both the stock market and dvds, i will succeed at this, i know nothing, but i am and will learn this.

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Watching pennystocking for the 2nd time in full, as felt needed to before moving, TSC orentation completed and the Tim Bowen, also bought the Candlestick Course by Steve Nison.

jimbocoy1 Feb 29, 4:31 AM

1st reach $1000 Profit 2nd reach $1000 Profit for a month. 3rd reach $1000 profit for a week. 4th reach a consistent $4000 profit per month. 5th Leave job and and be a sniper trader.

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Think this is a first, but first trade i didnt lose on but thought not long after i took it, it was a dumb trade, set myself goal to get out early, but did wait as was steadily going up, but as soon as i seen my chance i was out, should of even bought it RXRX

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Spent a lot of time, on the videos and challenge assignment 2 done, all links watched, extra content watched and read, alot to take in, some rewatched and some rewinded and parts watched again, couldnt trade today, heard all the alerts but didnt have entry or exits planned, so just wanted from the sidelines, not traded in a stock in couple of days, had a couple watching yesterday and today, but didnt perform how i thought they would, so left them, one in hindsight i should of bought the low of the day at 0.651 or close as had chance around 0.67 but didnt pull the trigger, went and maintained an hour ish later 7.5. Will keep watching and learning for support and resistance lines for my entries and exits, always need a plan, never go in on an alert, this can be hard, when 10 mins later you read all the back slapping.

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2 full days of learning, soooo much to learn, some sections redoing or rewatching so it sticks and notebook is soo useful for this, 2 books ordered are in the post, looks like snail mail though.

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