Total Profits:
$360 Profit
FSILong Stock

Entry comments: Speculative dip buy on this big contract winner, $1/share off its highs, looking for a bounce back tot he 5s, could be fast, small position

Exit comments: zzzzzz i'm out for small profits, I like the single, but I really wanted a big fast spike into the 5s and it just doesn't look like it can happen...and I have to start this http://tim.ly/sykeschallenge webinar, too much going on so singles are fine



Entry comments: I'm buying this positive cancer news spiker https://tim.ly/3DZtzhZ just before the open as plays like this have been REALLY running right at 9:30am so let's see if history will repeat, goal is to make 10-20%, could be fast if this week is any guide, cut losses quickly if no fast spike so a bit risky but small position makes it worthwhile

Exit comments: SOLID profit, well planned, every single day this week there's been a 9:30am spiker and I missed them all so this one fit the pattern and I gave it a shot and it came through...will review on my weekly http://tim.ly/sykeschallenge webinar happening in 30 minutes too, congrats to all longs, http://tim.ly/breaking3 nailed the premarket alert 50% ago too, SO MUCH opportunity here!


-$472 Loss
BKYILong Stock

Entry comments: One more speculative dip buy on this giant runner $1/share off its highs, goal is 5-10-15% bounce, cut losses if no bounce

Exit comments: Out for small losses, I REALLY need to be more aggressive earlier in the day on plays like this, then just avoid them on the backside...I MUST learn from this and adapt better to what's working vs. not working right now. Just like how SGBX was grat earlier today and now is terrible so recognize the fading potential



Entry comments: Partial fill, CLASSIC/ http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic and ideally bounce pattern, goal is to make 5-10%, been a while since its so perfect

Exit comments: Nice little winner, its been a while since we saw something SO PERFECT from the http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic and bounce pattern, man oh man am I rusty...but at least I got a nice profit...congrats to those who took more size, I should've been watching this closer earlier on



Entry comments: Dip buying this big premarket runner nearly $1/share off its earlier highs, goal is a 5-10-15% bounce, this looks to be near max panic, lets see if it can bounce, cut losses if no bounce

Exit comments: Out for losses, nob ounce, into trading timeout I go, very undisciplined trade


-$642 Loss
AIFFLong Stock

Entry comments: Rare mid-week runner with solid Alzheimers news https://tim.ly/40k09T4 as this stock spiked big to nearly 6 earlier today so its down heavily off its highs but looks to have found a base at $3ish, I'd love to see a squeeze into the close or afterhours and a gap up tomorrow, goal is to make 10-20% from the current

Exit comments: I'm out for small losses...had I gotta up at 4am there was the 3.30s so sell into, I'm just not used to these VERY early premarket runs...good lesson for me, not to take overnight trades when I can't be there at the absolute start of traidng, but small losses are okay too


-$660 Loss
KITTLong Stock

Entry comments: Robot runner spiking big, nice dip off the highs, goal of 5-10% bounce, nothing huge but this one has nice daily range so c'mon bounce play

Exit comments: No bounce and broker problems, into trading timeout I go, I'm over-trading and need to wait for better setups, glad I only had small position at least



Entry comments: One more buy on this choppy stock that got all the way up to nearly 4, goal is 10-20% bounce, moves fast so be careful

Exit comments: I'm taking another single ont his play, it actually went down tot he 2.90s so I thought I'd have to take a loss, then it bounced so fast which I was counting on so I'm glad to exit with some profits again even though I missed the majority of the giant runup earlier...good lesson for me



Entry comments: Speculative premarket dip buy on this big % gainer that's holding around the VWAP as I said in chat, goal is to sell into a bounce, ideally the 3s, it moves fast so dip buying is key, don't chase

Exit comments: I'm out for small gains, such a weird stock, it just can't seem to breakout, shorts look determined to try to create. panic and I don't need this choppiness in my life...it could still squeeze, but it's just acting so weird I feel better being on the sidelines as I don't know what will happen at the open...safety first



Entry comments: Speculative dip buy on this recent runner as it looks to have support at 5.50ish and should still bounce given how many shorts are in it, goal is to make 5-10-15%

Exit comments: Zzzz, got a little bounce but just nothing major, momentum seems to be stopped and I need to be more aggressive in the morning vs. the afternoon so I'm exiting here and being safe...better lesson for me than trade


of 875
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.