Total Profits:

Entry comments: Deep dip buy on this all day runner, nicely off its highs, coming up on VWAP, goal is 5-10% bounce, nothing huge but good risk/reward down here as I said in chat

Exit comments: No big bounce like I thought and there are sellers at every level higher so I'm just locking in this small single, good plan, good patience, low risk...I'll take it every day...earlier in the morning it bounced better too so good to note time of day impacts these trades



Entry comments: Speculative dip buy on this giant runner far off its highs, looking for 10-20% bounce, could be fast

Exit comments: Niiiice little bounce, variation on the http://tim.ly/sykesmorning panic and bounce pattern...I'm just on fire today so its good to push it with speculative plays, congrats to all dip buyers


of 1,747
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