@timothysykes sir can i trade pennystocks using suretrader?? can i short stocks?
@tanishq9999 you will find me
as quake001
Thanks for sharing this excellent tip!
Thank you boss!
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I'm reviewing some student posts I missed during the week like this http://tim.ly/2iPXziL WOW Stefano, great job...please use the weekend to study, see my Friday video lesson http://tim.ly/sykes19k not enough students have seen it and you can learn from my sloppy trading mistakes!
Hi Tim I'm really new to trading, but I've been watching your trader check list videos all week. Found ADHD, and I think there's a clear breakout. Any thoughts?
So now that ADHD released their update on MDX, it looks like a classic example of a dip buy. Which I've lost money on lol
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@tanishq9999 just became a fully transparent trader today!
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