
[TimChallenge] totally missed $BTU again today!! Yesterday it failed after $ACI declared bankruptcy...damn looks like its going to wash out


[TimAlerts] I traded for a week and a half back in Oct when $ACI was hitting hard, then I stopped and did the dvds. Now I have been in for three weeks, but my win/loss ratio is not tipped in my favor.


[TimAlerts] Traders Discussing Chatter on SunEdison: Blackstone's GSO Could Support Co.'s Recourse Debt In Exchange for Small Percentage Fee Plus Warrants SUNE can this bump up like $ACI did? any thought plz PM me


[TimAlerts] but there def seems to be some type of manipulation it reminds of $ACI a while back when the price was knocking down to take out low bidders only to bounce back and run.. but im just an average trader so make your own decisions..


[TimAlerts] Seeing Volatility in Some Coal Stocks as Hillary Clinton Proposes $30B Plan to Help Coal Country Adapt to Climate Policy $ACI play? any other coal stocks you guys scalp?

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