
$1,020 profit FSR Long Stock

Entry comments: I'm buying this electric vehicle maker ahead of their big new product unveiling on August 3rd which they had a PR about earlier this week https://tim.ly/3Dzi39q but also have been tweeting about it today and the stock has bounced a little. This is a less volatile stock and the catalyst is several days away so it's not a huge position, but I think it can bounce to the $6s heading into this announcement and that's good enough for me in an over-extended overall market like we're in

Exit comments: I tried to have patience, but this is running into resistance near yesterday's highs so I'll just play it safe...solid little gain and a good lesson for me not to have to sell so fast when the catalyst is still several days away. Happy with my gain/trade here

Received 3 Karmas
stocktrader_74353 Jul 28, 23 7:41 PM

I actually have a Fisker Ocean One Limited addition suv on order a will receive in a few months!!

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Had a small green day today but can't seem to upload my $FSR win from yesterday maybe due to the ticker change? that's ok I guess since the money is in my account lol. Rebought the $FSR calls this morning out of fomo and ended up with a small profit. Lower volume day and market uncertainty made me decide to get out into the close. Also closed out my $FSR.WS trade for a small $ gain but nice 50%+ profit. Bought weekly calls in HYLN expecting a squeeze and tried to sell into the close for another 75% gain but missed the exit, so I'm holding overnight expecting a gap up and hopeful morning spike to sell into. Chased the calls a little on TTCF on my entry but expect to close it out tomorrow ITM for a nice profit. That's it for my day, as for tomorrow expecting more market uncertainty and not looking to trade anything but A+ set ups with small positions. Stay safe everybody and study up!

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One thing I've learned over the past few weeks with my personal life challenges with trading is patience. I've only traded 1 stock in the last few weeks with call options and warrants. Bought the monthly $12.50 calls in SPAQ just before the merger to $FSR and sold for roughly 75% gains. I also bought the Warrants around the same time and my position is small enough to still be holding through the election with unrealized 48% gains. I think long term this stock will be great but they are still 2-3 years out on production of their cars. Will keep it on my radar and will look to close the warrants out maybe by end of the week. Sorry I've been distant here lately but have had personal life challenges that hopefully will continue for a long time since they involve the care of my grandmother who I feel will not regain her leg strength and be able to completely care for herself. I will continue to trade only the best set ups with stop losses in place since I never know when I will have to be her legs. The good news is I'm definitely not overtrading right now lol! Stay safe and study up, this will probably be a crazy week!

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