
$282 profit REE Long Stock

Entry comments: Small speculative position on this new EV play, alerted by STT Breaking News, https://ree.auto/lp/leopard/ no PR yet, lets see how far this can go

Exit comments: Decent little morning runner here, but top in the 4.30s now...I guess I should bought bigger and right on the initial http://tim.ly/breaking STT Breaking News alert in the 4.10 area, good lesson for me on how hot speculative EV news plays are right now

Received 3 Karmas
JCJC Nov 15, 21 11:13 AM

Love those EV Plays Thanks Tim

tupuad Nov 15, 21 11:56 PM

Thanks Tim

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[TimAlerts] $MCP bottom is zero if you zoom-out the chart. Look at their P&L. I'd short if I could. SS $REE sympathy play a few hours ago and am in the money so far

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