[TimAlerts] $SARA at HOD. Very low volume.
[TimAlerts] $SARA at HOD. Very low volume.
[TimAlerts] $SARA wih would get some of this oil love
[TimAlerts] $SARA was 2.50 b4 bankruptcy; came out of bankruptcy debt free now
[TimAlerts] $SARA is another one I am watching very very closely; but it needs the volume again; lost the Q last month and is debt free and is OIL
[TimAlerts] $SARA is going to soar w/ Trump presidency IMHO
[TimAlerts] $SARA, another OIL play which will move fast if gets volume; it was in bankruptchy and came out of it last month with zero debt on the books now; watching it for volume to come in
[TimAlerts] $SARA, I am still accumulating; my only LONG TERM hold; low low float, no debt, out of bankruptcy
[TimAlerts] Are you in $SARA?
[TimAlerts] Did you buy $SARA?