Entry comments: Short this stock based on the PXO plus looking very heavy at the near term support level. Target low $34s, stop at over $42
Exit comments: This got fucked. I'm no longer using PXO for shorts. In the tutorial videos I hadn't watched yet when I took this trade Mark says it's best for longs only at the time of recording so I'll stick with that for now.

Entry comments: Very strong uptrend spotted in both Weekly and Daily charts. New 20-day high. Using a tighter 2% trailing stop.
Exit comments: Maybe I shouldn't have used such a tight trailing stop of 2%. But I was cautious because it's been on an up trend for quite some time now. Did not want to risk more than 2%.

This was a buy and hold strategy (before Tim). The stock was up right before the earnings call. Should have gotten out then, but I waited. Not great earnings news. I held for a while longer and then REALLY bad news broke and I got out fast! Strangely enough, the stock went up. Who knew? Lessons learned...take singles when you can. Monitor positions closely.
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