I have cleared out all my trades from before October 2023. The trades were old and have no bearing on what I am doing now. There is a new trading plan, new results and potentials. I've decided no losses! You may call it bag holding, you may call what I do scalping, and I'm OK with that. This is my plan and what I'm doing. I'll get into more detail as we go along. The plan is simple, I'm using RSI & a 9 EMA combinded with movement to find entries and taking profit once I cross the 1% mark. When I say no losses, I mean no losses. I am only taking trades with a small set of companies. These are a growth companies that are solid and make decent size daily moves. I will hold until I hit that mark. Hours, days, weeks. Until I hit it. No losses. My worst trade so far was Exxon. Geez! Months, you'll see that in my trade history. Hope you follow along.
Wow!! What an amazing few years. I’d forgotten about this platform. I’ve been actively trading again since October 2023 and will start posting again. I’m taking small consistent gains and avoiding losses. I’ve almost killed the FOMO bug, quashed the greed virus and have gained patience. I’m not here for a big win, only solid, smart growth. It may seem weak to some, and I’m ok with that. Enjoy! I’ll get my trades posted.
@Jonk87 AWESOME INTRO!! Onward and upward!!
Thanks for sharing the TS's Challenge webinars... I'm a MMP student - but don't have access the the challenge stuff - so getting to see some of these is helpful... Thanks Jonk!
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I would suggest not trading the stock higher then $5-$6 as I see you have a small account , I’m not saying don’t trade them. If there’s a good enough opportunity go for it , but otherwise stay away.
If you make let’s say 0.20 on a $3 stock with a position size of 500 shares you make a quick $100 - fees around 70 bucks I would say not completely sure...
@bram101 Thanks. I've been tracking since I began. Doing more in depth analysis now that I have STT. Most stocks I'm looking at under $10. With $CRON being in a hot sector, I don't think it's a bad idea to keep on my watch list.
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Bravo. Well put. Dream on!
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Great post. Always good to have these kinds of reminders every so often. Thanks!
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The Alexander quote is great. One we could all learn from. It's tough to get past it.
@JeepTrader I feel like it is impossible to fully control your emotions, but you can observe them and learn to act on your plan before your "feelings" get involved. We are all happy when we win, and sad when we lose, but if you keep your risk in check you will avoid the most painful of plays. Be mindful of greed and fear, that is the true objective.
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Love it! I am right there with you in discipline. Keep rockin’ it!
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