Received 11 Karmas
GrandTrades Jan 22, 21 2:18 AM

@Gjohns8610 YES! Narrow your approach. Focus on mastering a setup that seems to resonate with you. Exploit your strengths, protect your weaknesses.

GrandTrades Jan 22, 21 2:18 AM

@Wallen2016 I struggled for three years. It's all coming together like RIGHT NOW. You will get there if you don't quit!

Kalanu1007 Mar 05, 21 1:39 PM

Thanks man. wow amazing.

Brandonian Mar 21, 23 10:57 AM

master one set up ignore everything else track and small size

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darrellwayne13 Feb 28, 20 11:09 PM

"I think I punched myself at least once." Sitting here @ work 12:00 a.m. laughing my ass off. Sounds like what I did recently with the mirror motivation except I didn't punch myself. Sounds like you have enteritis and exititis. Because we lose so much, we're afraid to enter, but when we do enter, we take small gains and don't hold because we don't want to lose. My advice would be to go back to paper trading until you regain your confindence

darrellwayne13 Feb 28, 20 11:12 PM

Take base hits, keep building your confidence and don't give up.

haafamillion Feb 29, 20 9:33 AM

@darrellwayne13 Entryitis I had, yes. But this was certainly the cure. I had no qualms or squeamishness for the rest of the week. Exititis, not at all. I took a huge loss in February last year and since have never been afraid to get out. I paper traded until I was green three months in a row. It took about seven months. I'm confident in my theses, but was overly risk averse when it came to cash money. I'm getting over it. Soon I'll be green on my profit chart. :D

haafamillion Feb 29, 20 9:37 AM

@darrellwayne13 Taking base hits for sure. Just check my chart lol. Been red for over a year now and still at it. Not giving up.

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