
+909$ profit from 1st Dec 2020 The best month ever. Of course thanks to current market. Hope it lasts couple years. Depo 1st March 2021 - 2317$

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taiwan Mar 03, 21 3:13 PM

@SeanLacap Love how you decided to share your aha moment right when it clicks. I've blown up as well and took a 2 year break before finding the challenge. Been tracking my trades by setups in Excel and have narrowed down my trading to 2 setups. I had a small starting capital so my gains have also been small, but you’ve confirmed that my process is correct and I just need more screen time/experience. Thank you for these blog posts, and for answering my question in chat re: $TRTC that led me here

GrandTrades Mar 03, 21 4:52 PM

@taiwan I do remember your question regarding $TRTC. Today was such a slow and red day. We were all searching for plays that were non-existent today. Your process sounds a lot like mine at the moment. Just need more screen time like you say!

avipatel Mar 13, 21 11:15 PM

@SeanLacap hey Sean great post please let me know how can I join Canadian challenge community. I am from Canada as well.

Brandonian Apr 09, 23 11:47 PM

focus, sizing, stats, gr8

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Blown up my account 3rd time. Funded history: +1000 $ on 1st Jan 2019 (blown in 6 month) + 3300 $ on 1st Sept 2019 (blown in 1,5 year) + 1400 $ on 20th Jan 2021 - will do my best not to blow it up

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Received 11 Karmas
GrandTrades Jan 22, 21 2:18 AM

@Gjohns8610 YES! Narrow your approach. Focus on mastering a setup that seems to resonate with you. Exploit your strengths, protect your weaknesses.

GrandTrades Jan 22, 21 2:18 AM

@Wallen2016 I struggled for three years. It's all coming together like RIGHT NOW. You will get there if you don't quit!

Kalanu1007 Mar 05, 21 1:39 PM

Thanks man. wow amazing.

Brandonian Mar 21, 23 10:57 AM

master one set up ignore everything else track and small size

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-230 $ from 1st Spt 2020 Struggling to reduce losses. Suddenly realized that the biggest losses were "chase trade" and most of the chases were morning trades. At the same time the morning profits were small, while the evening was statisticly bigger. Conclusion: cut off the morning = cut down chase and losses. 730 $ depo on 1th Oct 2020

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