Received 1 Karma
Received 1 Karma
kapitalist91 Feb 28, 16 4:58 AM
is it allowed as user to promote products on this forum? btw TD the only good with td is the tos charting all other stuff is really not needed.
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@wzpurdy follwo me !
How do you scan stocks @Hereitfirst
Hereitfirst Jan 18, 15 3:22 AM
@malarnambi with ET Pro / Think or Swim
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@JAM1 welcome bro. glad you joined the #transparent world
Received 1 Karma
JohnDoe1 Jan 08, 15 3:37 PM
I love this site bro. Learning a ton and its great to be able to keep track of what you are doing.
Hereitfirst Jan 09, 15 12:27 AM
@JAM1 exactly bro! and no one can call you a liar
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@Hereitfirst hello! This is @fitinvestor from Instagram. Do you have any discounts running?
Hereitfirst Sep 10, 14 12:49 PM
@Jason_Raposo thank you
@Samuraitrader thank you
@Hereitfirst it must be late but thank you for the tip. late is better than never. )
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