tim sykes you pick the wrong stock these days wash out

Good stuff, I'm starting to understand what you mean when you say "these are moving targets". When we enter a trade we can have some potential expectation but we must always be reevaluating price action and adapting to it.

Hi Tim got text message 10 min late bought in at 2.12 and sold at 1.794 1000 shares lost 345.22 $ . Hope I can get my messages a little quicker. Good learning lesson got to learn to pass when its to late. Cheers Tim.

I already talk to the admin. the problem is each time open profitly, the sms alert automatically off. And since I also enrol under tim alert, not possible to have only supernova alert sms.
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thank you Tim!

@AntoneD83 please if you can give guidance what services are they ? I donât want to buy something advanced level I want something like you said to get prepared for open market .

@AntoneD83 I mean before market open

Thank you Tim
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This is just crazy https://tim.ly/2WiL96W retweet if you agree we're living in some truly fucked up times right now LOL

Retweet this https://tim.ly/3aHzfZH ONLY if you're loving all the action we're getting each and every day right now, whewwww!

@Koshin just became a fully transparent trader today!
So choppy. Stock broke out of yesterdays resistance. Never hold and hope, sell into strength!
Hi TIM got text message a little late . Bought in on the down side 500 shares at 4.049 and sold at 3.79 lost 148.38 good learning lesson got to cut losses quickly. Thanks Tim.
Thank you Tim
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