Total Profits:
$15 Profit
EONRLong Stock

showing some volume in the closing risk is 1.20ish if its break 1.30ish it might hold then gonna spike but resistance is 1.40ish and 1.50ish possible for for squeeze but I didn't wanna be involve in that kind of game I just focus on my pattern small position and lock single

$5 Profit
EONRLong Stock

I reduced my position because not meet my 1.40ish entry. it hold the 1.60ish close to VWAP risking 1.55ish. once it break the VWAP it can go to 1.80ish so I have good risk reward but I just sold in break even and I am not trusting myself enough to hold on my pattern need more practice lose in commission 10dollars

-$6 Loss
EONRLong Stock

I am a little bit comfortable now doing the pre market trade due to Fast execution of my broker but I need to make sure only the pattern that I know and as much as close to support with a good range and good R/R time will come my time is come need to res[ect my environment and I am doing this in good intention I need to sell now because I have to send my wife to work

$0 Loss
EONRLong Stock

its premarket runner no news but I buy it the the support 1.50ish small position with good R/R its volatile and I bought I was being sold in the high in the wick but worth trying small position only losss in commission $4

-$42 Loss
BTCTLong Stock

got panic on this afternoon trade volatile stock I got focus on the 5.50ish support thought its gonna hold but keep panic small position still did not recognize the 8 might has a better bounce for dip buy lesson learn

-$15 Loss
GSITLong Stock

small position again in this high price stock its panic from 4.50ish to close to 4.00 I tought its gonna hold the 4.10 I bought it in the panic with the combination of hummer candle but I do understand what ever thesis I have but at least I know in my self that I did not buy this without reason instead with no bias and I think that I have odds when I do this trade beacause there is no way to know in advance what is gonna happen next all I need to do is to try this with respect and decipline

$7 Profit
VSLong Stock

small position non volatile but tis is basing in the 2.80ish and good support in 2.70ish and 2.60ish but not gonna holed to long small position and risky too I can't trust this stock but I will trust myself that I will do better

-$16 Loss
GSITLong Stock

small pos high price focus only on dip buy in this volatile play I am more comfortable now in the price action and ready to get out if no bounce and ready to take profit in the strength as well

-$36 Loss
VSLong Stock

I got the good average on the dip but the 3.00 is the resistance hard to break so I take a loss on it but I am comfortable on my risk and focus on possible reward . but not get stubborn and no bias just focus on the price action

$22 Profit
GSITLong Stock

high price but small position more comfortable on it. risk is firm once its break just get out but I good range form me as well in the upside support is 4.20 max risk is 4.00 but my support is working but I will not abuse it and more realistic especially small position only and its up much already so I got only in the dip while peak time and more volume

of 62
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.