[TimAlerts] $VIPS uptrending
[TimAlerts] $VIPS uptrending
@SaraHubz First I am glad to be back after studying How to Make Millions from Tim Sykes all traders should have a copy. Now to my watch list which is short. LBMH: I would buy this stock if it reached Fridays high and my buy would be at $3.38 looking to make $0.50 - $1.00 a share the reason is due to these headlines http://finance.yahoo.com/news/liberator-medical-investor-alert-former-220900926.html
i want to know what you guys are talking about...i want in on it too....i've been at this for over a year now..i wont start trading with real money until next year
well..for now i have 10 of TIM SYKES dvd....at work...i read the booklets that come with them...and watch about a hour or 2 before i go to bed...repeat method
Thats awesome but you learn more from actually trading and doing it. Can I help support you in that in any way, let me know. Live in NJ by chance??
@xxxpgxxx Don't worry I be back in November.
Thank you bear! I know some good chill out music. Search up blackmill and see if you like it. Cheers!
I've just started following you bear. Take care and enjoy your break, looking forward to Novemeber
Thank you bear - i wish you and your loved ones many blessings
Hi Russiansbear, just wondering why your total account has been reset, when I checked your account th other day you were up to 43k but today your back to just over 100dolars
@mrdollamaker Nice work! Are you selling cash secured puts?
i just now finished reading the booklet HOW TO READ SEC FILINGS....i highlighted areas in the book so when i read it over again...i will soak it in a lot more....then i will watch the DVD...I have 10 of his DVD's 10 booklets...and I take one to work and read it...
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