
$330 profit CYDY Long Stock

Entry comments: I'm buying this former supernova on a positive SEC filing last night https://tim.ly/3NsP6Bs and given how this company oeprates, they will likely find more ways to hype up the positive FDA news over the weekend and hopefully it can gap up nicely next week liek it did today...I'll explain more in a weekend video lesson, goal is to make 10-20% as this is a really goo setup, but the company is very sketchy so I can't go too big, small position only

Exit comments: Sold into small gap up, nothing huge, but I'll take this single and not get greedy as despite the big 500k buy orders on the bid, I don't see any sense of true urgency with the buyers so it's good to be safe

Received 1 Karma
AlexDavis77 Dec 17, 23 6:46 AM

Where is the weekend video lesson? Thanks

105109cry Dec 17, 23 2:02 PM

Can’t wait to see how the market unfold tomorrow morning!

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Received 2 Karmas
Quise79 Apr 10, 21 8:04 AM

Great Webinar, glad to have you back Mark hope everything is good with your hamster

msbta Apr 11, 21 12:17 AM

Thank you Mark

StratoCruizer Apr 22, 21 4:15 PM

Great vid Mark! Can totally relate to feeling shitty about only having the time to do this part time for now. Thanks man!

Windwalzer Apr 23, 21 8:36 PM

Thank you for the webinar, very helpful. Makes me sad though, hearing about your talk with one of your students. I got your welcome letter when I start and have contacted you with no return, I get it you are busy, unfortunately I am also. So I am working as hard as I can on my own with all the material available to me from being a student. Nothing new for me to go it alone.

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-$525 loss CYDY Long Stock

Entry comments: Partial execution on the dip buy on this morning spiker, heavily shorted by hedge funds, seems to be a trend, goal is to make 5-10% on further run

Exit comments: No bounce, rule #1 cut, cut losses quickly, http://tim.ly/clq shoulda woulda coulda stuck with SNPW

Received 5 Karmas
Windwalzer Jan 27, 21 9:15 PM

It looks like you gave this one time. Thank you.

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