
First Green Month 🤓 It's a marathon, not a sprint💰 I am SO proud of this!

Received 4 Karmas
omgjoereally Jul 02, 20 11:37 AM

Awesome!! I'm finally getting good at this also!

13reigh Dec 02, 20 10:45 AM

I got ahead of myself.. still working to achieve that consistent green 🤓 appreciate the motivation!

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After being a degenerate gambler for an entire year, I think I am finally figuring this game out! Feeling like this is the turning point in my trading career as I am not longer just feeding my money to the market without proper planning and due diligence. Bring on the Millions! 💰⚖️ 🥰

Received 2 Karmas
Rainbow Aug 17, 20 2:12 PM

Oh the days of being a degenerate gambler... How far we have come. 😅

devyman07 Jan 14, 21 4:52 PM

I feel this in my soul 😆

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