
Watching a bunch of videos again and started see what Tim G is saying in TT1 & TT2 really staring to put everything together. I always feel like I'm so close to becoming consistently profitable. New focus is to increase my Winning Percentage (38.38%) by reducing my Average Percent Gain (19.08%). My thinking is smaller wins add up so take the wins when they meet my goals. I don't need any one big win just a lot of small wins.

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Took a 3 week break from trading to start a business after having some difficulty trading. Came back today and made 6 small but good trades. The main problem I was having was not sizing down and wanting the big win to recover my losses. Today all trades were very small size but I was able to be in the trades with out feeling uncomfortable and taking bigger then needed losses. Had a goal of 5-10% and was able to stick to it on all but one trade. I was able to cut losses on the trade quickly so I got out it with a scratch. Had a held for the plan that one trade could have been my biggest gain of the day. Oh well I am very happy with my first day back and going to focus the process over profits.

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Yesterday was my one year mark of joining Tim Millionaire Challenge. I have been doing well overall and learning has been my main focus. Took some really bad option trades during the oil boom. But I have learned to focus on taking small gains and trade consistently. My biggest mistake has been telling my self a big win is what I need and it has caused me to have big losses instead.

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Millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade, then hundreds did in the days of his ignorance. - Jesse Livermore

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Update 1.1.22 full time trader taking it to the next level. Quit my job in December of 2021 to focus on trading. I have learned a lot from all the content for the TimChallange. I am now studying everything I can everyday. Hopefully this will help shorten my learning curve.

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On 10.21.21 bought STT Breaking New Chat, so far it's a game changer a must have. Also been doing better and trying more trades during the day. First hour and last hour with some overnight and weekend holds. Maybe a little over trading I have a small account but it's a cash account so no PDT.

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4 Months later, I have watched many video lessons, a few DVDs like Pennystocking Framework (A MUST WATCH) and just finished level 2, webinars also. The process and patterns are coming together, feels like i am so close to being consistently profitable.

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Reset my trading chart due to 3 year hiatus and finally doing thing the right way. Like using Etrade, STT, Tim Challenge, and following the rules.

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