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Total Profits:
$720 Profit
SOBRLong Stock
$640 Profit
MBOTLong Stock
-$258 Loss
CRKNLong Stock
$700 Profit
BPTHLong Stock
$190 Profit
NVOSLong Stock
$1,000 Profit
NVOSLong Stock
$440 Profit
JCSELong Stock
$817 Profit
MNTSLong Stock
scaled in on the morning dip . earnings and breaking news . earnings got reaction but flatlined om news. held at bottom and scaled out on first pop as I was bored sold too early as it kept going over vwap . but nice gain. kinda becoming a scalper since I sized up but trading scared is good . thang God for my profit and my new found knowledge
$811 Profit
LUCYLong Stock
i averaged down on a dip buy attempt for overnight. it never got back to closing price but i was still confident on mid .70s support so held overnight. no volume next morning so i scaled out first spike opportunity immediately and caught a nice profit. would love to link my profitly to my brokers so i dont have to do these calculations ffs!~!!! thank god for the money
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.