@ferrari458 Hi, I'm curious how you discovered OHGI's financials a few months back before they had that presentation?
@ferrari458 Hi, I'm curious how you discovered OHGI's financials a few months back before they had that presentation?
@ferrari458 Hi, do you know any good promoters to keep track ? Tnx.
[TimAlerts] WTER 550% revenue increase, news released today, wish i was american sometimes http://pdf.reuters.com/pdfnews/pdfnews.asp?i=43059c3bf0e37541&u=urn:newsml:reuters.com:2015-06-26:MKW_20020408:1203585
[TimAlerts] $CTIC had a press release about phase 3 success late night yesterday, as anticipated curious what happens to my position i held from friday
[TimAlerts] $CTIC news was presented at ASCO on June 1st, it's old, please correct me if I'm wrong though
[TimAlerts] $CTIC POSITIVE STAGE 3 RESULTS 1000 shares at 2.13
[TimAlerts] $OCLS looks a little down ..
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