
($50) Loss BDR Long Entry: 1.23 - @300 shares saw it spiking. Exit: 1.13- I had a chance to sell at 1.30, i was watching it. Bad execution but i keep holding it till i drop down. Cut my Loss late. It keep going strong later the day. will see Monday if it spikes again. as of 12:20 it's at 1.32. slowly coming to my grip.

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($20) Loss CRON Long Entry: 6.33 @ 100 shares Exit 6.33 - did not sell at the top but 6.5, when it pull back sold at 6.33... then suddenly went back straight to 6.4.

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($44) Loss TEUM entry: $2.45 - 300 shares : rushing to get in thinking it would break the 2.45. Forgot that catalyst is so speculative. exit $2.37 : cut losses

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($45) loss AVGR - long Entry: @2.45 500 shares Exit: $2.40 when it pulled back i got panic. i did not wait. 10 minutes later it broke the morning spike. I was there, need more concentration. its still going up now as i am writing this. I wont chase it.

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($133.00) - AKER long entry: 1st $0.979 - Push the botton out of FOMO ( need to handle this more) 2nd $0.915 - Re-bought - too early to camein Exit: 1st $0.90 - Cut my loss 2nd $0.90 - cut loss - Patience, patience, patience At first i was focusing on Drio, it was moving downward. When I checked Aker it it crosses 0.93 my signal... so i move my attention -- ended up chasing. Thought it would fly.

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$3.98 - Gain TEUM long Exit: $3.27 - 400 shares Overnight Miss to sell at the pre-market top, selling it just to be safe. Down trending pre market, overall market is scary. Profit is profit.

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