[TimAlerts] $AMCO 3th green... How was in DVDs long or short?
[TimAlerts] $AMCO 3th green... How was in DVDs long or short?
[TimAlerts] any thoughts about $AMCO?
[TimAlerts] $CCXI in @2,84 and out @2,92. Too soon like always but still profit!
[TimAlerts] Just miss Tim's 2,02 and got In $PRGN @2,13 out @2,17. It's too scary to me!
[TimAlerts] $PRGN In @3,52 out @3,89. Quick profit!
[TimAlerts] $AUMN in @0,89 and out @0,925... couple minutes later 0,81
[TimAlerts] $LEI in at 6.84 out at 7.06... Not much but still profit!!
[TimAlerts] $LEI in @6,64 out @6,94... Tiny profit!!!