$GBR TRADE- was a FGD former big spiker- had strong volume and had the right idea on it- just got shook out because of my entry- start considering the EMA more when i am looking to enter a trade

$GBR TRADE- was a FGD former big spiker- had strong volume and had the right idea on it- just got shook out because of my entry- start considering the EMA more when i am looking to enter a trade
Thankyou Tim
Thank you Tim.
Don't hold a stock that has a weak ass breakout! Look for new highs but not weak, if in the stock and weak sell, Thanks Tim!
So fun, I want to visit 700 dogs!!!
Thank you Tim.
Look for sympathy plays when a stock is running, Don't chase if it goes to fast, look for initial spike as you can get follow up spikes, buy into dips and protect yourself, learn to take profits along the way! Thanks Tim!
If you know your patterns inside and out, you can act!!!! Study up key to making 1,000 -2,000 a day!
Watching And Analyzing!
$ANW spiking to 2.30s
Please congratulate Challenge students robmeyer, ASemler and AshTrades on their solid trades this morning here https://tim.ly/2tWEQaX on CEI and $GBR please congratulate them too!
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