
-$330 loss GE Long Stock

Entry comments: I used my bigger account to buy this slower moving/big company, but still an earnings winner on a beaten down stock, goal is just to make 20-40 cents/share as this is NOT a volatile stock, but lots of longterm shorts trapped so this could very well surprise and spike more

Exit comments: And that's a good reminder why I don't trade big stocks, LOL, solid brick wall of sellers, no thanks, cut losses quickly

Received 3 Karmas
Darlingnana1 Apr 20, 18 1:18 PM

Thanks for keeping it real! Sometimes ya just gotta go for it!

extremerick11 Apr 20, 18 2:53 PM

Was curious to see your buy alert on a blue chip. Always learning!

SamH90 Apr 18, 19 9:03 PM

Bought some of this at 12 a couple months later.. it just kept going. Think it bottomed at like 7. Yuck!

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[TimAlerts] General Electric $GE struck a deal to sell its Australian commercial-lending business to an affiliate of Bain Capital for a reported $1.34 billion.

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