
Key stocks on my watch list this week: $CIE, $CNAT, DELT, $GALT, $NMM

mnkmiley Apr 10, 17 4:12 PM

$GALT dipped early to 2.75 then ran the next hour+ to 3.68. The price fadded the rest of the day. it struggled to stay above 3 at close.

mnkmiley Apr 10, 17 4:15 PM

$NMM moved lower at open to 2.17 then ticked up mid-day to 2.28. It also faded into the close at 2.22.

mnkmiley Apr 10, 17 4:17 PM

$CIE and $GALT were both buy-n-hold. It was tempting to sell $GALT when it hit 3.68..., but I'm sticking to the plan.

mnkmiley Apr 10, 17 4:19 PM

There was a little regret for missing $CNAT, but there will be more trades to come this week.

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$570 profit NMM Long Stock

Entry comments: Starting small long position on the dip off premarket highs in this new earnings winner, shipping sector too so it can get hot, but not a low floater, goal is to make 10-20%

Exit comments: Failed to hold morning spike attempt, not gonna sit and sit for it to move pennies, locking in small gains, focusing on NVTA now

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[TimAlerts] $NMM covered 1800 shares short from 2.16 average at 2.13. Missed out on $1.86 bottom and biggest ever win. Lesson learned in greed. Then fear (of this strong bounce) made me get out with tiny profit vs what I left behind...


[TimAlerts] $NMM beautiful panic, gonna ride it down. Finally 9months of full time study and paper trading paying off. Love it.. Thanks Tim, Goode and 777 for all ye do. :)

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