Retweet/favorite this https://tim.ly/2ZIOgYh if you want a video lesson today on all the biggest % gainers like DPWW KODK $PEIX

Thanks Tim.

Thanks Tim

Cheers for this ð

Thanks Tim! :)
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Thanks for the tip about staying away from the gradual downtrend. Kept me away from NBEV and a couple others today.

Thank you Tim S.

Thanks Tim!!
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[TimAlerts] US EPA said to increase 2017 quotas for corn-based ethanol...could move $PEIX

[TimAlerts] covered $PEIX small position at 6.80 $180 gain

[TimChallenge] covered $PEIX small position at 6.80 $180 gain

[TimAlerts] $PEIX

[TimChallenge] $PEIX Massive Crack

[TimAlerts] $PEIX another biofuel play that Gates invested in. went crazy
Thank you. 2:00am wow.
Thanks Tim
The stock is ending on a high, does this mean that it will gap up tomorrow
Thanks Tim
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