good stuff

Thank you Mark.


Thanks Mark always need to respect the trends
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Thank you Mark.


good stuff

Thanks Mark especially about the lesson about waiting for a stock to consolidate an hour to half an hour before entering
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Thank you Mark ! Surgery has me down my first week of trading in my 52-week plan. But I am watching trading and videos posted.

Thanks Mark got to treat this like being a professional athlete and just find my mistakes and keep improving upon it and know what the hot set ups are

good stuff

Good explanation.
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Thanks Tim

Thank you so much Tim, you do deserve some sleep as well.... :)

Watching And Analyzing!

Take it one trade at a time. Every trade you are just trying to learn - idea, process, strategy refined.
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Thanks Mark

great webinar about waiting and stalking your picks and also about low volume sell off finishing near its high being able to run more

Thank you very much Mark

Thanks @markcroock fantastic webinar.
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Please dont make videos but DSS Supernovas. Horrible Pick no where near (supernovas).

#1 rule is to CUT LOSSES QUICKLY. Important to also enable premarket and afterhour trading for emergency exits.

wow! i just read my own comment from July 9th. being excited for my account getting to $2k and then $4k. this is truly amazing and a blessing. as im typing this...with my current positions valued at $13,606.84 i just cannot believe this still....i still feel like its a dream..and i am going to wake up! studying again and again...not changing my style that got me to this moment

Thank you for the lessons this is Awesome!
oh yea, preparation is key. thanks Mark
good lesson. thank you
I am so rich! I am so rich!
Thanks Mark!
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