
VIPS broke below the 200 MA


Newsletters:Weekend Trader
$30 Profit
VIPSLong Stock

Entry comments: Swing. Been watching for weeks looking for SC B/O. Entered small starter 20@ 15.835, risk 15.34 day low & multi-day SPT , TGT 17. Will add up to 40 shares total allows $20 loss & move risk as it allows.

Exit comments: Hit TGT. Great read of chart & patience. Wasn't able to add more like I planned because I was slightly scared of taking the risk, but this win reaffirms my ability to read a chart.


-$12 Loss
VIPSLong Stock

Entry comments: Swing. Swing alert. Earnings run-up. Alert was forming Cup/handle. Bought on VWAP hold HOD & B/O of Cup/Handle ($16) w/ small size since from small OTC Fidelity acct; 50@16.21, risk 15.95 key SPT, TGT 17.

Exit comments: Risk breached. Not sure what happened, but think I entered too early & the handle of the cup wasn't formed well enough. Will keep watching to see how it does in a few days.


-$65 Loss
VIPSLong Stock

Took this r/g on what i thought was a earnings winner based on the scanner but i guess it just scans for the word and i should double check next time even tho the daily chart was in a nice setup but took m money

$93 Profit
VIPSLong Stock

Entry comments: Technical b/o

Exit comments: Good sale in AM spike before this tanked


$20 Profit
VIPSLong Option

$18 Profit
VIPSLong Option
-$22 Loss
VIPSLong Option

keep fighting the good fight.


$3 Profit
VIPSShort Stock
$4 Profit
VIPSShort Stock
of 88
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.