
Will be tracking and verifying all of my trades (using broker: TradeZero) for the year 2021. Unfortunately I can't get my TD thinkorswim account verified as it doesn't support the Canadian broker. :L

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Hey Peter, I'm new to this challenge and just joined in July. I see you on the chatrooms everyday and working hard and i know i will go thru the same thing. What i'm saying is that you are making my path easier so don't give up bro. I live in London UK, and about to enter my first investments with a small accounts on TradeZero and TDA (Think or Swim) or maybe even Tradier as its cheaper. I'm both US and UK citizen but ultimately would trade with TZ as there is no PDT rule. Would be great to get some help in linking TZ to Also, anything else you recommend, does the bank one uses, currently I'm an HSBC account holder, matter? IOW, is it better to go with a certain bank. I also understand that TZ has high charges for wiring money in and out. How do we minimize this expensive action. Again, any other help you've encountered by trading outside US will be greatly appreciated. best V

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successfully linked my Trade Zero account!! Finally figured it out lol. If you need help, feel free to ask. TradeZero is the account i do all my shorting with. I only shot stocks above 1$ for now. My OTC broker is ThinkorSwim. But because i'm in Canada, ToS doesn't want to sync to Maybe some day i'll be fully transparent and verified! Edit: @CrisLima @MCurtis @peteboy96 Alright guys! I just uploaded more trades from TZ and it's fresh in my mind now. Go on TradeZero's website. Log in to your account. At the top of the window you'll see "Tools". In the "Tools" dropdown you'll find "". Once you click on that, you'll see a green button at the center of the screen "Copy to clipboard". Click it. Now return to official website and at the top you'll want to click on "MyTrades>Verify Trades". Once on that page, find TradeZero from the dropdown. And finally input the username from the TradeZero website, and paste the password you just copied from the step above. There you have it folks. Please drop in to let me know if it worked. Cheers

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Blackburner Mar 24, 21 8:30 PM

Holy cow. I'm sooooooo sorry I'm only seeing all these now. I'm really bad with social media hahaha. @peteboy96 @MCurtis @CrisLima did you guys ever figure it out? If not I can definitely help you. It's quite easy actually. It's all done from the web login on Trade zero's website. I actually asked the chat support on TZ website to help me and it took 5 mins to do it. Start by speaking with them, if you still need help I can guide you but I work much better by phone conversation than typing it ou

Ban60k Mar 26, 21 5:28 PM

Guys any solution? I wasn't able to find the "profitly code"

Blackburner Mar 26, 21 5:46 PM

@Ban60k hey! i just edited my original post this morning. Did you try what's written in the edit? The "" section is under "tools" at the tope of the screen on the TZ website. You MUST be logged in on the site to see it.

Ban60k Mar 29, 21 6:05 PM

@Blackburner unfortunately it doesn't show for me. When i contacted TZ support they said it's temporarily unavailable

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Joined the challenge Nov 5th 2019. Music Production & Audio Engineering Major. 24 years old. Working for PRG Audio. Mexico City based. I only knew how to read candles, basic support & resistance; no previous market experience whatsoever. Commited 100% to this shit (don't know if I'm allowed to swear but Tim does it). Not touching a single buy or sell button in my broker's software till I'm not done with the DVD's & Video Lessons. Will start on a 1.5 K account on TradeZero, but before that I'll open a Thinkorswim account with 500 bucks as there are 0 commisions (only on OTC) and like .0001 fees or something like that, just to test my strategy. Ready for bad execcutions, just going for my first approach to the market. Like petting that street dog carefully in case he'll bite just to become his friend after. PDT = Perfect Dose of Tacos

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