
my new stratigy for august 2020 is to buy extended gap down stocks and wait for it to bounce

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danadanko Jul 26, 20 12:05 AM

@20timlai please explain what is it adcb patern and 5point ? I new here just trying to understand! Thanks

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@20timlai just became a fully transparent trader today!

20timlai May 30, 20 11:08 PM

$USAU is being promoted with email pumps for the last 2 weeks of may in 2020 that is why the stock is going up soo high and not because of any fundamentals in the company

20timlai Jun 10, 20 7:50 AM

and as soon as the promotin ends the stock went down hill starting in the first 2weeks of june 2020e

20timlai Jun 10, 20 7:54 AM

when learing to swim the first goal is to stay afloat , if you can stay afloat for the first 3 months of trading you are ahead of the rest

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@chrissd welcomes you to their trader wall!

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20timlai Jun 28, 20 9:57 PM

you seams like a big lier to me timgritany the best we have has onlt a 67% success reats and you have an 88% success rate you have to lie with in reason man if you don't want to get called out

AK47 Sep 22, 20 3:22 AM

probably trades with an algo

Ban60k Feb 12, 21 1:47 AM

Why this mf trying to scam bait people lol

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