Total Profits:
-$30 Loss
LAESLong Stock

So i try iut on this one and move my stop to not take another 100 loss and it wicks me outy before the sqeeze through HOD. SHit man i change my plan just a bit and it takes me out

-$214 Loss
MGIHLong Stock

Trying to get the low floater to pop back up to hod after pullback but failed on me twice.


Lost 500 on TSLA and NVDA. I cant get shit to work. Even the channel breaks went in the wrong direction. And several times bounced back and took more losses.

$99 Profit
PLTRLong Stock

Took some small losses before making the 200 trade and a 70.

-$533 Loss
TSLALong Stock

Was doing well then at end of day TSLA ropped up and i kept shorting for the crack and it never came. Dang


I fell like everything is going wrong. I took my first solid trade in the moring and webull fucked up and the stop didnt go through and i didnt notice till i was already at a 200 loss. Then i started tilt trading. Then i calmed down and started getting some oney back but after i made it almost 900 llss. Im out of control and now messing up my A setups.

-$560 Loss
NVDAShort Stock

Tilted trading all day. Started trying to want an early enty and get the tops of the channel and guess what happened it broke up above the channel i had drawn. Then re drew but kept trying to get the top entry. LAME. LOOK AT THE PIC I LOADED WTF HELL ARE YOU DOING> THIS ISNT TRADIN THIS IS TILTED GAMBLING

-$246 Loss
TSLAShort Stock

Was still tilted from yesterday should not have traded today. I messed up from the first trade and it was my play and i took an L on it instead of a should 200 to 250. Then i started over trading and taking entries when the blue was in the middle. Thats a no no. And the teying to guess the tops but blue was high a but macd was green and orange still on the way up


It seems like TSLA wasnt setting up soni traded NVDA and then NVDA wasnt working off the channel and the blues. BUt then i re drew the channel and i wasnt out of the channel for the entry. Mean while did the same thing with TSLA drw channels and took longs oit of it but wouldnt keep going. Then i drew the wider channel and it worked but i was in NVDA and took gains to quick casue i am used to selling the pop and then buying the dip re test. WHole damn day was a mess. Even had fasle breaks.

$321 Profit
TSLAShort Stock

Had some solid trades on this today. Took some small losses. But had a great upper channel short and took the gains at bottom of channel then it cracked below. Then iu took a small win on what i thought was the second setup out of channel but wasn't the true 2nd setup . It happened when i was driving to work . Oh well

of 613
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Never attempt to copy or mirror the trades discussed on this website or in alerts. Attempting to do so may result in substantial financial losses. Alerts are not provided in real-time. For that reason, it is highly unlikely you will be able to buy the stocks at the same entry price, or sell the stocks at the same exit price, to achieve the same or similar profits obtained.